A career at Community Services Group Ltd offers a range of benefits to ensure your career with us is as fulfilling and rewarding as possible. We currently offer:
- Employee assistance program
- Family-friendly policies
- Career and personal development
- Strengths based approach
Employee assistance program
The Employee Assistance Program, (EAP), provides confidential counseling and support to all Community Services Australia Ltd employees. Run external to the organisation, the free program helps employees to identify, explore and manage issues that are impacting on their lives whether it is work related or personal problems such as health, family, financial or emotional concerns.
Family-friendly environment
When you join the Community Services Australia Ltd team, your family becomes an extension of ours. We acknowledge and recognise the importance of balance in work and personal life and have developed a culture that captures these values.
Career and personal development
Our Performance Review & Development model ensures that not only do you have adequate skills and support to perform your current role, but that you also have the opportunity to enhance your work performance to meet your personal career direction. Creativity and innovation are encouraged.